Favorites Dialog Box
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The Favorites dialog box makes it easy to quickly open any file or a directory (folder) that you have added to the list. You can easily add new files and directories to the list using the integrated editor or by clicking on the Add button. The Add button opens the file dialog box from which you can select multiple files. The item editor also lets you add file names with wild cards. This is handy if, for example, you want to open all your HTML files in the editor to perform a global search and replace operation:


Precede the path name with a + character to also open all matching files contained in the specified directory and all its subdirectories:


By clicking on the New button, you can enter file names or directories in the input field (below the list box) without using the File dialog box displayed by using the Add button. You can also use that method to specify file names with wild cards.

When you add a directory name to the list, make sure it ends with a backslash "\" (otherwise it will be interpreted as a file name). When you open a directory item, the File Open dialog box is displayed pointing to the selected directory. If several items are selected in the list, directory items are ignored when you choose the Open or Open All button. For example, when opening the following item, the File Open dialog box will pop up and show the content of the Homepage directory:


You can create separate Favorites categories for all kinds of different tasks. The names of all available categories are displayed in the combo box above the list. Favorites categories are always stored in the program directory and have the extension FVR. These are text files that can also be edited in NoteTab like any other file.

You can also specify other Favorites categories by clicking on the New button in the dialog box, then typing a colon character (:) followed by the name of the category. For example:
Once you have created such an item, double-clicking on it will open all the files listed in the category. This is very useful if you want to simultaneously open files that are stored in different directories or with different wildcards.

You can reorder the content of the list by doing drag-and-drop or sort the list by invoking the shortcut menu. You can select multiple files in the list and open them by clicking on the Open button. If you want to open all the files in the list, just click on the Open All button (in this case, directory items are ignored).

The shortcut menu also lets you undo any changes you have made to the list. Changes are permanently saved when the dialog box is closed or when the category is changed. You can create new categories by invoking the combo box shortcut menu. This menu also lets you rename categories or delete them.

NoteTab can be configured to automatically open all the files listed in a Favorites category whenever you launch the program. If you want to open files from a category that is different from the one that was last used, you can specify its name from the command line.

The dialog box size and position can be saved by opening its Control (or System) menu and clicking on Save Window State.